No Man’s Sky introduces completely functional music-creator in holiday update


By Emily Gera,
Monday, 16 December 2019 22:35 GMT

Make your own tunes in No Man’s Sky.

No Man’s Sky got a musical update today which introduces a fully-functional music creation application called the ByteBeat Device to the game.

The in-game synthesizer is now part of the game’s base building system. Players can create a ByteBeat Device in their base, connect it to a power source, and begin to play music throughout the area. The first song is procedurally generated, but players can interact with the device to set a new tempo, octave, key, or melody, and even add drums.

But if you want to release your creativity fully, you can link ByteBeats together to create a full symphony of tunes around your base. Check out the trailer below for a look.

“Base building is a big part of what people spend their time doing in our game, and a frequent request is for the ability to add sounds and music to their construction,” reads a blog post from Hello Games announcing the new addition. “Our team always likes a creative challenge, and audio is one of our big passions. Over the last few weeks one of our coders got obsessed with making an audio creation tool for the community, we were so excited about it we thought it’d be a nice surprise to release it.”

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