Animal Crossing: New Horizons Director “Thrilled” By The Isabelle X Doom Slayer Artwork


Ever since it was confirmed DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons would be released on the same day, fans of both games have been creating and sharing artwork featuring Doom Slayer and Isabelle together. While we’ve already heard DOOM Eternal creative director Hugo Martin talk about how it’s a great representation of the “amazing diversity” in games today, we’re yet to hear what anyone from the Animal Crossing team thinks about this unlikely duo.

In an interview with IGN recently, Animal Crossing: New Horizons director, Aya Kyogoku briefly praised the unity of the two fanbases – mentioning how thrilled she was to see this type of communication.

I definitely do notice and have noticed that there’s a lot of Doom and Animal Crossing collaboration art and illustrations that are being posted, and as I look through them I’m in awe of how much creativity our fans have

I think because there is a common denominator of this type of communication happening between Doom and Animal Crossing fans, and also the fact that Animal Crossing is a communication game, we’re very thankful and very thrilled to see all this. We’re so excited at the same time to see how the two [fandoms] are coming together to celebrate this day.

Producer Hisashi Nogami added how it was great to see the two fanbases “hyping up” the gaming community and gaming culture in general.

So Animal Crossing and Doom — obviously the game genres are completely different. We definitely do have something in common, and that is that they’re both video games, and come from that same subculture so to speak. It’s so great to see that these two different [fandoms] are coming together and hyping up the gaming [community] and gaming culture itself. It really is a great thing to see

Animal Crossing: New Horizons arrives on the Switch on 20th March. DOOM Eternal is also being released on this date, but its Switch release has not yet been announced. If you would like to see more Doom Slayer and Isabelle artwork, see our previous post.

Will you be adding both of these games to your collection? Tell us below.

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