Month: April 2020

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. For fans of retro game consoles and home computer systems, it’s been a long time coming: RetroPie 4.6 has launched, with the star feature being official support for the Raspberry Pi 4. The RetroPie team took its time on purpose
You know how in action movie trailers they sync all the gunfire and fisticuff sounds to match up with the music — that’s what it feels like to play Pistol Whip, our first-of-its-kind action-rhythm FPS for PlayStation VR. You’ll become the hero of your own action movie scenes, with hand-crafted enemy engagements and environments synchronized
Ever since 3dfx debuted the original Voodoo accelerator, no single piece of equipment in a PC has had as much of an impact on whether your machine could game as the humble graphics card. While other components absolutely matter, a top-end PC with 32GB of RAM, a $4,000 CPU, and PCIe-based storage will choke and
Fallout 76: Wastelanders reviewed by David Jagneaux on PlayStation 4 Pro. Also available on PC and Xbox One. “With the Wastelanders update, Fallout 76 has taken a solid step in the right direction after its dire launch. New human NPCs bring a healthy dose of personality and interaction to the world and the new storyline
CD Projekt RED has introduced several more organizations from the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077: a Chinese weapon company, an aggressive street fighting gang, and a Japanese megacorporation. Without further ado, check out the intros below. Kang-Tao is a young Chinese company specializing in smart-gun technology and security services. It’s making its way to the top of
We know you’re busy and might miss out on all the exciting things we’re talking about on Xbox Wire every week. If you’ve got a few minutes, we can help remedy that. We’ve pared down the past week’s news into one easy-to-digest article for all things Xbox! Or, if you’d rather watch than read, you
A big update has come to the InkyPen subscription service, which launched on the Nintendo Switch in December of 2018. InkyPen has announced that “We’ve partnered with Kodansha to bring a huge library of manga to InkyPen on your Nintendo Switch”. The new additions include “Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, Battle Angel Alita, Parasyte and
Enjoyably tense and frequently hysterical, Moving Out is a must play for fans of same-screen multiplayer games. Reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on Nintendo Switch. Also available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
A gaming legend returns! Streets of Rage 4 brawls to PS4 next week, more than 25 years (!) after the series’ third entry. Developer Lizardcube brings their expert animation chops to the table, brilliantly reimagining characters Blaze, Axel, and more… but new fighters join the ranks too. Old-school fans can indulge with playable retro sprites,
Last week, we equipped our favorite Materia and asked you to share your best moments from Final Fantasy VII Remake using #PS4share and #PSBlog. From scenic heartwrenching views to delightful Chocobo sightings, here are this week’s highlights:   Cloud looks down at tragic destruction in contemplative shot by GamerSWIG77. IxionVII shows Cloud, Barret, and Tifa posing
During an investor call on yesterday, the WWE confirmed that this year’s installment of 2K Games’ WWE 2K franchise is not happening. Taking a year off might be a good thing; WWE 2K20 (pictured above) had various technical issues that left many fans disappointed. This also came after 2K Games split with longtime developer Yuke’s, handing the