Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2008.200625-0000)

Xbox One

Hey Xbox Insiders! We have a new Xbox One update preview coming to the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring. It’s important we note that some updates made in these preview OS builds include background improvements that ensure a quality and stable build for Xbox One.

We continue to post these release notes, even when the noticeable changes to the UI are minimal, so you’re aware when updates are coming to your device. Details can be found below!

Xbox Insider Release Notes

System Update Details:

  • OS version released: RS_XBOX_RELEASE_200819041.3842.200625-0020
  • Available: 2:00 p.m. PT – June 26, 2020
  • Mandatory: 3:00 a.m. PT – June 27, 2020

New Information


  • Users may see some Mixer features missing from the console, starting with this build. These features disappearing include:
    • Mixer content tile on the Home dashboard, searches and Pins referencing Mixer
    • Mixer application in My games & apps
    • References to Mixer streaming, or content tiles, in Guide
    • Mixer streams, as well as “Start broadcast” found in Guide
    • Mixer broadcast mic options in Settings
    • Party co-stream capabilities
  • Users who would like to continue to use Mixer can do so until July 22nd by opting out of Xbox Insider flight rings.

Fixes Implemented

Thanks to the hard work of Xbox engineers, we are happy to announce the following fixes have been implemented for this build:


  • Various updates to properly reflect local languages across the console
    • Note: Users participating in Preview may see “odd” text across the console, for more information go here.

Known Issues

We understand some issues have been listed in previous Xbox Insider Release Notes. These items aren’t being ignored, but it will take Xbox engineers more time to find a solution.

We’re still tracking these known issues:

Activity Feeds

  • Users looking at Activity Feeds in various areas (Clubs, Profile, etc.) may notice some odd UI issues as well as Previews not loading when browsing content. The developers are aware and working on the behavior.


  • Users who have Dolby Atmos enabled and console display settings set to 120hz with 36 bits per pixel (12-bit) are experiencing loss of Dolby Atmos audio in some situations.
    • Workaround: Disable 120hz or set Video Fidelity to 30 bits per pixel (10-bit) or lower.
  • Some users have reported that Dolby Atmos for Headphones audio setting changes when the console is rebooted/updated.
    • Note: If you attempt to set the audio to Dolby Atmos for Headphones and see a message advising you to launch the Dolby Access App, please file feedback before launching the app.

Game DVR

  • We are aware game clips (non-4K and 4K) are not recording at all or recording the incorrect length with recent updates. We are investigating.
    • Note: Make sure you report the behavior on the console as soon as you record the clip and notice either behavior.
    • Workaround: We’ve implemented a fix where clips that do not record in 4K will instead record in 1080p instead.


  • When installing or updating a game/app, the installation progress bar may not show progress.  The issue is known and being investigated.
  • We’ve received reports that the Friends tab is not showing the correct status of online/offline friends.
  • Some users may notice that the Guide has changed appearance and functionality, this is expected behavior as there are certain experiences being flighted among a random subset of users in Preview.


  • Users are reporting that Message notifications that have been marked as read are re-appearing as new. We are aware and investigating the behavior.

My Games & Apps

  • Users have reported seeing black tiles instead of game artwork when browsing their collection.
    • Note: We are still investigating the issue, please report the issue again from the console if you have done so with a prior update and are still seeing this behavior.
  • Some titles in collection may appear with a “trial” tag incorrectly in collection.

Profile Color

  • Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.

Make sure to use Report a problem to keep us informed of your issue. We may not be able to respond to everyone, but the data we’ll gather is crucial to finding a resolution.

What Happens to Your Feedback

How to Get Xbox Insider Support

If you’re an Xbox Insider looking for support, please reach out to the community subreddit. Official Xbox staff, moderators, and fellow Xbox Insiders are there to help with your concerns.

When posting to the subreddit, please look through most recent posts to see if your issue has already been posted or addressed. We always recommend adding to threads with the same issue before posting a brand new one. This helps us support you the best we can! Don’t forget to use “Report a problem” before posting—the information shared in both places helps us understand your issue better.

Thank you to every Xbox Insider in the subreddit today. We love that it has become such a friendly and community-driven hub of conversation and support.

For more information regarding the Xbox Insider Program follow us on Twitter. Keep an eye on future Xbox Insider Release Notes for more information regarding your Xbox One Update Preview ring!

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