Star Wars: Squadrons Studio Motive Has Several New Games In The Works


Earlier this week, an EA Motive dev confirmed that Star Wars: Squadrons would be getting no new additional paid content, but that doesn’t mean this studio doesn’t have its hands full. In a recent EA blog update, Motive’s Patrick Klaus offered a little insight into what’s next for this team.

When talking about the new mission for Motive, “To empower players to create, experiment, live, and share their own unique stories,” Klaus also spoke a little bit about future plans. Part of living up to that new mission statement is to truly aim to be innovative, an artistic goal that is not without risk. With encouragement for all creative teams, Motive is working on “several” new games that will usher in a new era for this particular studio. 

In addition to Star Wars: Squadrons, we’re also working on several unannounced projects. Innovation is tough, but it’s also exciting and energizing. With our new mission, we’re trying a lot of things and testing many ideas which you can’t get attached to, as iteration and experimentation are healthy and a key to finding something great. The team is super talented and we’re all striving to make aspirational games that push the boundaries of what players expect now and into the future.

He then went on to talk about the new team members being added constantly, and how this diverse group of creatives are pooling together to create beautiful new gaming experiences for players to enjoy. No matter the background, the goal is clear: creating better games and, more importantly, “nurturing a healthy culture.” 

As an added note, EA Motive is currently hiring! If you’re looking to join this team with their revamped mission, you can check out the career page here

What are you hoping to see from this team next? More Star Wars, something brand new entirely? Sound off with those gaming dreams in the comment section below! You can also check out this team’s latest adventure, because Star Wars: Squadrons is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 

[Source: EA]

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