The Top 10 PlayStation 5 Games


“What games should I get for my PlayStation 5?” This is the question we’ve been asked the most since Sony’s new generation of gaming arrived last November. People want to see what games are the best showpieces of PlayStation 5’s power, and also which ones take their beloved medium to new heights. Although the PlayStation 5 is still in its infancy, it has already amassed a nice library of games, including a few titles that you can’t play anywhere else.

The Game Informer staff has selected 10 games that we consider to be the PlayStation 5’s absolute best. Over time, this article will be updated with the latest releases that we think crack the top 10.

Please note that while the list below contains 10 entries, we aren’t ranking them. If a game has made it this far (and managed to stay here), it’s a must-play, period. As such, we’ll be listing entries in reverse chronological order. Also, with future updates, you’ll find a rundown of previous entries at the bottom of the list. While those titles have gotten bumped over time, they are still all great games in their own right and worth exploring if you’re already caught up on the latest hits.

Here are Game Informer’s picks for the top 10 games on PlayStation 5:

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