Warzone Celebrates Call of Duty League 2020 Champions In-Game With Statue and Player Banners at the Stadium


Outside of Verdansk Stadium is Call of Duty: Warzone’s new Verdansk 84 map is a mysterious shrouded statue. Today, that shroud comes off to reveal a statue that celebrates the victory of last year’s Call of Duty League 2020 champions, Dallas Empire. The statue is modeled after the Call of Duty League championship trophy and five accompanying banners will hang from the stadium, one for each player for last year’s championship team.

While two of those players may now be with different teams, last year’s champions were treated to the unveiling of the Warzone CDL statue and banners and you can see their reactions in the video below:

Clayster, Shotzzy, Crimsix (C6), Illey, and Huke were shown the decor at Verdansk stadium by Empire team coach Rambo. The team was thrilled at the opportunity to be honored in-game in Warzone for last year’s victory. Warzone recently crossed 100 million players, so to be featured so prominently puts these players on a enormous stage where even people who don’t follow CDL will see their faces and know their names as some of the best Call of Duty players ever.

Revealed today, the public Warzone update will go live tomorrow that will remove the shroud for everyone and celebrate the 2020 champions in-game for anyone who winds up near the Verdansk Stadium. The stadium display will presumably be updated to accommodate future winners too, which gives one extra thing for teams to battle it out for as the 2021 CDL season goes on.

It’s a unique way to honor the esports champions on one of the world’s biggest digital stages, the likes of which hasn’t been done before in games. It also highlights Activision ongoing desire to utilize Warzone in a variety of ways to bridge players of the game with external announcements, reveals, and events.

Following today’s Dallas Empire Home Series event, the Call of Duty League 2021 season continues with the Major III Tournament on May 13-16 exclusively on YouTube.

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