Nintendo ambassadors are getting packages with items for “enhancing your [E3 Direct] viewing experience”


In less than 24 hours, Nintendo’s E3 2021 Direct is slated to begin. Ever since it has been announced, fans have been very curious to see what the company is going to be sharing. But, if you’ve been trying to keep your expectations down and hype responsibly, then Nintendo‘s latest move may not help with that.

Nintendo ambassadors are reporting on their Twitter accounts that Nintendo have been sending them packages. The packages, which have a “Break In Case Of Extreme Excitement” message on them, contain various items. One of the items is a letter from Nintendo, saying that they “wanted to send you some fun items to help enhance your viewing experience” during the Direct.

Nintendo wants ambassadors to use these items to “show how excited you are” if they see something they’re hyped about. Of course, Nintendo also notes that none of the items are hints any Direct announcements, as “we know everyone’s got their (Famicom) detective hats this time of year”. A tweet from one of the Nintendo ambassadors relaying the news is down below.

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