Month: July 2022

Recent annual expansions to The Elder Scrolls Online have featured previously explored areas in a reimagined environment. Morrowind, Elsweyr, Markarth have all been featured before in previous Elder Scrolls titles. High Isle is different however – a brand-new area for The Elder Scrolls as a whole. It has been featured on maps as part of
Stray has become the newest entry in the coveted PlayStation Editor’s Choice 2022 lineup. It joins a short but extinguished list of highly-rated games on PlayStation platforms that are featured regularly in the PlayStation Store under the Collections tab. The process of being selected as an Editor’s Choice game is rather mysterious, as it is showcase
You know what would be good right about now? Goats. Unfortunately, we don’t have any yet… but there’s not long to wait. All of us here at Coffee Stain Publishing and Coffee Stain North are very (cautiously) excited to announce that Goat Simulator 3 will be launching November 17 for Xbox Series X|S, the perfect
I’m not sure who needs to hear this but dressing up animals is fun, so long as they aren’t put in any discomfort when being dressed. Real-life or digital, animals just look far cuter when wrapped up. Even the animals that you wouldn’t dare go anywhere near when out in the wild: sharks, bears and
Our brief first look at NBA 2K23’s on-court action shows off the fluidity of play and attention to detail that unfolds even after the whistle is blown. For years, this series has been lauded as a graphical powerhouse, and this teaser sizzles in this way. We’ll have to see how the footage shown breaks down
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Google announced Stadia in 2019, and from the start, there were concerns about the company’s commitment. Google has a reputation for neglecting and then killing services after people have become dependent on them, and Stadia seemed like a prime candidate