Hitman 3 Season of Sloth Begins with June Update and a Chilling Take on Dartmoor


Hitman 3‘s Seven Deadly Sins DLC continues with the arrival of the Season of Sloth. June’s update has introduced another premium Sloth Depletion Escalation and three more rewards to earn. There’s also another full season of free content that begins tomorrow, June 17, as well as the many bug fixes and gameplay improvements that have already arrived in the game.

Sloth is the third sin to be the focus of a premium Escalation in the Seven Deadly Sins DLC. The Sloth Depletion Escalation takes place in a messier and dirtier Dartmoor and Agent 47 has a new handler. The hitman only has a finite amount of energy so players have to make every action count. Those who are successful will unlock the Lotophage Suit, Slapdash SMG and Goldbrick Proximity Mine.

The season’s free content begins tomorrow, June 17, with the first of the season’s Elusive Targets. Terrence Chesterfield, otherwise known as The Liability, is the world’s laziest construction inspector and he can be found hanging out in a Berlin nightclub. Players have until June 28 to take him down. A second Elusive Target returns to Sapienza on July 2. The Twin is in town with his identical brother. The catch is his brother is the client and taking him out will automatically fail the contract. Players have until July 12 to correctly identify him.

Featured Contracts begin arriving on June 24 with the Outside Xtra team putting together a variety of Sloth-inspired contracts in Dartmoor. The Hitman Community will also be putting together their own Featured Contracts that will arrive on July 8. The third and final batch of Featured Contracts will be available a week later on July 15. These will be devised by Hitman’s best-known Speedrun community led by Frote 7. This month’s contracts will be the first opportunity players will get to complete 40 Featured Contracts and earn the Rubber Ducky Gun.

Those who only own the Hitman 3 Starter Pack will get to experience Sapienza between June 25 and July 4. While there is a three day crossover period between the free access to Sapienza and The Twin Elusive Target, it’s unknown whether Starter Pack players will be able to access the target for that short period.

Finally, the season will conclude with a game update on July 20. The Season of Pride has itself concluded with a game update today that has managed to fix more of the legacy challenges and made a few other bug fixes and gameplay improvements.

Hitman 3 June Update: Version 3.40 Patch Notes

General Updates

Stability Improvements
We’ve fixed and resolved several issues on all platforms that would cause the game to crash or be unstable.

Challenges and Trophy/Achievements
We’ve listed all the trophies/achievements and challenges below that have had their unlock conditions tweaked in this patch.

Showstopper (Paris)
Tourist Attraction (Marrakesh)
Perfectionist (Bonus Episode)
Guest Starring (Bangkok)
Infiltrator (Hawke’s Bay)
Full House (Dartmoor)
Train Surfing (Carpathian Mountains)

The Classics Challenges
We’ve tweaked a few things affecting how the Classics Challenges unlock. Firstly, we’ve made sure that players who reach the required amount (e.g. 17) or above, will succefully unlock the challenge and earn the accompanying reward. Players who are still having issues are encouraged to start and exit a mission that has those challenges available.

Secondly, players who had some progress towards these challenges reset with the last patch (3.30), will now have the correct progress.

Note: Some of these changes were made between the release of 3.30 and 3.40, so some players may already have experienced the fixes mentioned here. We’re noting them now in the patch notes for clarity.

Extra note: It is a known issue that completing one the of the ‘The Classics’ challenges in a mission that is not a ‘campaign’ mission (e.g Bonus Mission or Special Assignments), might not count progress towards the progress for the cumulative challenges.

Misleading Leaderboard Percentile Descriptions
We’ve changed the wording and the order of the ‘leaderboard position’ indicator that is shown when completing a mission.

Previously, “Low” and “High” were used to indicate the leaderboard percentile, which meant that the highest ranking players were displayed on the left, but this was causing confusion. With this update, the highest ranking players will be labelled as “Top” and on the right-hand side of the screen.

Subtitle Indicator
We’ve added the option to enable a ‘Speaker Indicator’ for subtitles, which will indicate who is talking. When toggled on, this will work during gameplay, briefings and cinematics.

During cinematics and briefings, the speaker’s name will be displayed in the subtitles. During gameplay, an icon will indicate where the subtitled speech is coming from.

Free Starter Pack
We’ve made a handful of changes to improve the experience of playing the Free Starter Pack. These include adding a tile to encourage new players to play the Sebastian Principle Escalation Contract in Dubai and we’ve fixed an issue where Free Starter Pack players could be unable to proceed after linking their account. This should prevent the ‘Already Registered’ issue from occurring. We’ve made other minor tweaks too.

Maintenance Messaging
We’ve updated the in-game message / pop-up that displays during server maintenance to make it clear that server maintenance is ongoing. This applies for all platforms.

Seasonal Bonus
We’ve fixed an issue where the HITMAN 1 Bonus Missions (The Icon, Landslide, A House Built On Sand) were incorrectly labelled as “Seasonal Content” in the menus.

From a to x (to e)
We’ve tweaked an issue where the ICA Combat Axe was missing capital letters in its description.

Explosive Devices Differentiation
We’ve updated the inventory images for the ICA Explosive Devices to better represent how they look in-game.

Wet Guru
We’ve changed the properties of the Guru Suit (unlocked via the Gauchito Antiquity Deluxe Escalation) to look wet when 47 is in the rain.

We’ve tweaked various elements of the heads-up display to make them more visible in all areas of the game on a PS5, including the weapon HUD and text elements of the UI.

PS5 Activities
We’ve adjusted a few things on the back-end to ensure that PS5 players that load a particular location from an ‘Activity’ when the game is closed, will be taken directly to the intended location.

Credit Where It’s Due, 3.40
We’ve updated the credits to reflect work done since the last update.

Sound / Audio Updates

Main Menu Music
We’ve made a subtle change to the menu navigation sounds so that they’re lighter and more subtle.

Objective (Sounds) Updated
We’ve added new sound effects for when the Mission Objectives (i.e “Eliminate Viktor Novikov”) updates, to better fit the overall style of HITMAN 3.

Unpacking Audio
We’ve added Foley sounds to briefcases and related actions. Previously, unpacking items from suitcases would be silent.

Instinct Mix
We’ve tweaked the audio mix for Instinct to give an improved, more focused sound. This includes adjusted levels for Foley, SFX and UI.

Musical Overlap
We’ve resolved an issue that could cause the Mission Success™ music to overlap with a location’s ambient music and not trigger when you actually leave a mission.

Loadout Tracks
We’ve made a change that will ensure the loadout music track will now trigger properly.

Sneaker Footsteps
We’ve replaced the footstep sounds for when Agent 47 or NPCs are wearing sneakers / trainers to bring their quality in line with other sound effects that were updated for HITMAN 3’s launch.

Location Changes: Dubai, UAE

Grid Wall
We’ve resolved an issue where a security camera grid could be seen through a wall.

Location Changes: Dartmoor, England

Full House
We’ve tweaked some parameters to make the Full House trophy unlock more consistently.

Seven Deadly Sins
We’ve been spending lots of time in Dartmoor to prepare it for the release of the Sloth Depletion Escalation, including a new time of day change, lighting, environment art and propping changes amongst other tweaks.

Location Changes: Berlin, Germany

Satu NightMare
We’ve tweaked an objective on the second stage of the Satu Mare Delirium Escalation (Deluxe) to clarify the kill method for one of the targets. Rather than “axe”, the objective will now state “fire axe”, which was previously only mentioned in the Notebook.

Curtain Call
We’ve resolved an issue where some characters could see through certain curtains in Berlin.

Location Changes: Chongqing, China

Controller Issues
We’ve resolved an issue where the behaviour of one of the targets could make it impossible to complete the Certainty Principle Mission Story.

FuseBox Fixup
We’ve changed the properties of a particular fusebox in Chongqing to prevent 47 from being able to walk through it.

Missing Tool
We’ve updated a prompt inside the facility that would show that 47 could ‘loosen mounting’, but didn’t indicate what item was required to perform the action.

Shortcut Mixup
We’ve made another change to how some shortcut challenges are unlocked in Chongqing. From now on, the ‘Facility Elevator Shaft’ and ‘Inner Courtyard’ shortcuts will be unlocked properly, with the correct name, description and image in the challenge pop-up.

Impulse Resist
We’ve tweaked an issue where 47 could get stuck in a chair during the Impulse Control Mission Story.

Determined Drone
We’ve resolved an issue where a drone’s detection light could still search for and detect 47, after the drone had been destroyed with an explosive.

Location Changes: Mendoza, Argentina

Stair Head
We’ve resolved an issue where Agent 47’s head could clip with the stairs near the Winery’s Public Hall.

Location Changes: Carpathian Mountains, Romania

Train Crasher
We’ve resolved an issue where the game could crash shortly after starting the Untouchable mission from the default starting location.

Train Surfer
We’ve tweaked some parameters on the back-end to make the ‘Train Surfing’ trophy/achievement unlock more consistently. Players need to complete all challenges for the mission, including the Silent Assassin / Suit Only ones.

Legacy Location Changes: HITMAN 1 and HITMAN 2

Paris: Showstopper
We’ve fixed an issue where the Showstopper challenge would not unlock reliably. Whilst it was possible to unlock this challenge, several factors were affecting how reliable it was and they’ve now been tweaked.

Sapienza: Tunnel Vision
We’ve resolved an issue where players could see ‘out of world’ when the camera was in a specific place in the tunnels.

Sapienza: Tower Vision
We’ve tweaked an issue on some consoles where the arches in the Town Hall Tower are shown as dark shadows when viewed from a distance, such as the Church Tower.

Marrakesh: Missing Map
We’ve fixed an issue where the second floor of the Consulate building was missing from the mini map and Notebook map.

Bonus Episode
We’ve tweaked some parameters to make the Perfectionist trophy/achievement unlock more consistently.

Mumbai: Train Stopper
We’ve resolved an issue where Agent 47 could fall down from wooden planks near the trainyard.

Mumbai: Divine Descendance
We’ve updated the target image of Lucky Parminder in the Divine Descendance Escalation.

Whittleton Creek: Bright Attic Light
As a follow-up to the Legacy Lighting fixes that we implemented last month, we’ve tweaked an excessively bright light in an attic in Whittleton Creek.

Whittleton Creek: Quiet Suffocation
We’ve fixed an issue that could prevent some sound effects from playing during the animation to suffocate Janus.

Whittleton Creek: New Mugshot
We’ve updated the target image of ‘Ida Pagel’ in Contracts Mode.

Virtual Reality (PS VR)

Super DJ
We’ve made changes to the DJ console in Berlin where the prompts shown might not react properly when pressing the relevant buttons.

Sneaky Blinders
We’ve resolved an issue where the ‘VR Blinders’ would remain enabled when playing the non-VR version of the game.

[Source: IO Interactive (1, 2)]

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